Chart - Schoolroom Guide

Rules don't work in every schoolroom ... sometimes it needs a name change to be effective

Schoolroom Guide

Hands Up
Put your hand up when we are talking as a group.
Respect what others say.
Don't talk over the top of other people; they will indicate when they are finished talking.
Look interested in what they are saying. Behave appropriately at all times.
Be Patient!

Talk in Full Sentences
Ask a full question or give a full answer.

Don't ask : Where do I do it?
I Say: WHAT??????
You Say: Which page do I write my journal and where do I do my plan?

Respect and Honesty
Show respect for yourself, other students and property.
If you want to do something ask. Answers to questions can change.
If you want to know why then ask.
Accept the answer given.  Sometimes even adults don't have a choice about that.
Tell the truth, honesty is rewarded.
Always pay attention and remain on task.
Be cooperative.
Be on time, be on task, be prepared.

Always be your best and do your best.
Laughter can make the day go faster.

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